Feminism as an antihumanist project and the problem of the subject
Cartel del VII Congreso de la SAF. Imagen cedida por Natalia Pastor
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idea de hombre
idea pesimista de hombre
Max Scheler Idea of Human
Pessimistic idea of man
Max Scheler

How to Cite

García Fernández, R. (2023). Feminism as an antihumanist project and the problem of the subject. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (114), 129–147. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.114.592


It reflects on feminism as a new conception of the idea of Human. Feminism is presented as an alternative movement that aims to overcome the anthropocentric bias of Western philosophy and culture. To verify this starting position, the feminist is analyzed from two variables, the idea of the subject and Max Scheler's ideas of Human. From the first perspective, a phenomenal-materialist matrix is applied to classify the different feminisms and analyze in which cases a universal subject could be built. From the second, feminism is analyzed and classified as a posthumanist or transhumanist project, included in the pessimistic idea of Human.

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