Elicited and directed attention
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ética Attention

How to Cite

Waldenfels, B., & Ávalos, B. (2024). Elicited and directed attention. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (120), 261–281. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.120.851


The present article aims to outline some fundamental motifs of a theory of attention based on a responsive phenomenology oriented by the body. A phenomenology of attention is neither satisfied with subjective acts nor with anonymous mechanisms. Rather, attention manifests itself as a twofold event: something draws our attention – we pay attention. Something strikes us before we become aware of it. An unbridgeable gap opens up between the two moments. Attention surpasses our own projects, as well as the techniques and practices that determine our behavior. Conflicts of attention point to an ethos that confronts us with the unexpected and culminates in a consideration that we owe to the other.

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