The delayed response
Versos de "Las geórgicas" de Publio Virgilio Marón inscritos sobre el resto de un ánfora hallada en el yacimiento arqueológico de Noguera (Córdoba)
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Marcel Proust
Edmund Husserl
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
fenomenología Marcel Proust
Edmund Husserl
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

How to Cite

Waldenfels , B. ., & Ávalos, B. (2023). The delayed response. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (115), 371–395.


This article departs from the Proustian image of the door that opens in order to address the question about what lies on the other side of the threshold and about the status of the time and reality that the narrator regains at the end of In Search of Lost time. As we will argue, what awaits on the other side of the door refers neither to a mystical illumination nor to a state of contemplative meditation but to the expressive work of a type of responsive writing that renders visible the invisible.
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