«Transcendental egos» and «Trojan horses» (first part)
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ego trascendental
Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina
Gustavo Bueno
materialismo fenomenológico
materialismo filosófico
Gilles Deleuze Trascendental ego
Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina
Gustavo Bueno
Phenomenological materialism
Philosophical materialism
Gilles Deleuze

How to Cite

Hidalgo Tuñón, A. (2008). «Transcendental egos» and «Trojan horses» (first part): note on the «transcendental» in materialism. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (20), 225–239. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.20.561


Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina's gnoseological proposal to withdraw its gnoseological functions from the transcendental Ego is not innocuous for materialism. It has ontological and socio-anthropological consequences. In this first part, the first ones are illustrated, discussing the differences between the philosophical materialism of Gustavo Bueno, as it appears formulated in his canonical texts, and the phenomenological materialism, which Urbina proposes regarding the «transcendental». To do this, I use a third materialism as a critical filter, that of Gilles Deleuze, on whose nomadic philosophy only a few schematic notes are made, but enough to «frighten away» the ghosts of reason. The reference to Deleuze in the debate on the ontological consequences that Urbina's approach brings is obligatory, not only because of the warnings that Urbina manifests in his text "because of his radicalism", but above all, because his proposals were already present ( as an implicit reference) in the very initial formulations of philosophical materialism.

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Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina, Ricardo (2005), «Cuerpo y materia», en Patricio Peñalver, Francisco Jiménez, Enrique Ujaldón (eds.) Filosofía y cuerpo: debates en torno al pensamiento de Gustavo Bueno. Madrid, Libertarias/Prodhufi, págs. 21-34.

Sánchez Corredera, Silverio (2008), «Consideraciones sobre el ego trascendental de Urbina», en Eikasía, Revista de Filosofía, n.º 19, julio. Oviedo, págs. 227-334. <https://www.revistadefilosofia.org/revistadefilosofia_old/19-08.pdf>

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Wikipedia (s. f.), «Embodied Phisolophy», en Wikipedia.org. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embodied_philosophy>.

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