Molecular biology: revolution or closure?
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biología molecular
teoría genética
cierre categorial
estrategias metacientíficas
circularismo Molecular biology
Genetic theory
Categorical closure
Metascientific strategies

How to Cite

Hidalgo Tuñón, A. (2012). Molecular biology: revolution or closure?. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (42), 193–212.


The emergence of molecular biology at the border that separates the genetic and biochemical theory provides a good testbed for various strategies meta‐scientific. The theoretism of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn tends towards social constructivism does not serve to account for the possible truth and correctness of the double helix’s theorem. The semantic approach (developed by J. Sneed, W. Stegmüller, U. Moulines, etc.), although seeks to adapt its analysis to the structural content and meaning of scientific theorems, they eventually dissolve them into formal correspondences. The theory of categorical closure, however, is attached to a circular constructivism for understanding the dogmas of the structure of DNA as identical synthetic materials without thereby neglecting the pragmatic aspects, historical and social, that value into perspective the contributions of Phage group, Watson and Crick, Pauling or the universities involved.
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