Cyber subject, chatbots and artificial Golem
Ara Fortuna Balnearia, hallada en el barrio de La Mortera en Tremañes (Gijón)
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sujeto cibernético
gólem artificial
cibermundo Cybernetic subject
Artificial Golem

How to Cite

Merejo, A. (2023). Cyber subject, chatbots and artificial Golem. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (118), 231–245.


In this essay, I will analyze how the cybernetic subject, chatbots and the artificial Golem relate to each other and to the historical context in which they arise and develop in the cyberworld.

The cyberworld is the virtual and material scenario where the interactions between the cybernetic subjects and the intelligent devices that use artificial intelligence (AI) to communicate, learn, create, and build strategies of knowledge-power take place.

The concepts of cybernetic subject, chatbot and artificial Golem enter a dynamic interrelation in the cyberworld, generating reflections and producing philosophical debate about the cybernetic subject in front of artificial intelligence.
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