A hermeneutically actualist expansion for the interpretation of the historical musical repertory
Versos de "Las geórgicas" de Publio Virgilio Marón inscritos sobre el resto de un ánfora hallada en el yacimiento arqueológico de Noguera (Córdoba)
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actualismo Interpretation

How to Cite

Mestre Zaragozá, S. (2023). A hermeneutically actualist expansion for the interpretation of the historical musical repertory. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (115), 149–179. https://doi.org/10.57027/eikasia.115.597


By discussing an article by the musicologist Carlos Villanueva, taken as a paradigm of a certain type of discourse, we problematise the notion of historical interpretation in order to confront sound historicism not with a lucid presentist critique but with an actualist approach capable of opposing with philosophical and artistic solidity the museum practices of musicological historicism typically based on a pretension of sound objectivism supposedly supported by historiographical disciplines. This hermeneutically actualist expansion of both the notion of authenticity and fidelity to the composer's intention would underpin performance practices that would bring the historical repertoire closer to today's listener without the ballast of the aesthetic canon typically prevailing in concert halls. For what if, by means of a novel updating approach, the interpretative work of the historical musical repertoire could better communicate the great works of the past to today's social idiosyncrasies without renouncing the rigour of stylistic adequacy or betraying, or even preserving much better, the composer's intention?

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