The «Policity» of the Mimesis
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política Mimesis

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Pérez Picasso, L. A. (2024). The «Policity» of the Mimesis: A Discussion about the Formative Capacity of Tragedy. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (120), 233–260.


This study aims to analyze the political meaning of mimesis through the study of the formative effects of theater and Greek tragedy in the polis. For this we will be addressing, as an example, the work of Phrynicus: The Fall of Miletus. At the same time, we will connect some questions from the Aristotelian corpus referring to tragedy, fiction, the paideia and the kátharsis. And, by Hannah Arendt about theater, self-formation, identity and the political interest of the individual, in relation to the testimonial reading of this same work.
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