Cartography and territories
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territorio Cartography

How to Cite

Sibertin-Blanc, G., & Molina García, E. N. (2023). Cartography and territories: geographical space as an analyzing device of subjectivity according to Gilles Deleuze. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (116), 217–239.


This article deals with the question of space in Deleuze’s work. It examines his original concept of cartography, his theory of affective geographies, and his analysis of the vectors of «territorialization» and «deterritorialization», which determine collective identities and their transformations. This paper thus emphasises the fact that Deleuze’s concept of space was the cornerstone of a wholly new definition of the critical task of philosophy. To think «in space» is a way of posing problems and creating concepts, and thus represents a «geophilosophy» rather than a philosophy of geography.
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