Multiplicity, event and ontology in Badiou and Deleuze
Alivio votivo para la cura de una pierna mala, con una inscripción que lo dedica a Asclepio e Hygeia. Encontrado en 1828, en el mismo santuario en Milos (Mar Egeo). Año 100 al 200. British Museum
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teoría de conjuntos
ética Ontology
Set Theory

How to Cite

León, E. A. (2019). Multiplicity, event and ontology in Badiou and Deleuze. Eikasía Revista De Filosofía, (90), 53–77.


To explore the significant differences between these two thinkers, the first part of this article will consider your ontological ideas. Starting with their common concern for multiplicity, we will explore the foundational movement of Deleuze towards different types of multiplicity. Badiou's critique of this approach will be related to his defense of the abstract resources of set theory as opposed to the concrete syntheses with which Deleuze seeks to begin. The second part of this document will explore the consequences of Deleuze's ontological commitments when it comes to the ethics of the event demanded by Badiou. Deleuze's commitment to stoicism will provide the stage for his explanation of how events occur and represents a source of thought and activity. The third and final part of this work will seek to evaluate Deleuze's explanation of the role of events in particular situations and in the activities of the subjects who respond to them. This will allow us to draw conclusions about Badiou's criticism of Deleuze and Deleuze's ability to resist these criticisms. I will argue that Deleuze shares with Badiou the concern to maintain a clear vision of the issue as a figure committed to the search for new and unprecedented projects that respond to the call of events.
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